John Klug

Donations from friends and relatives in memory of John include:
Joann Akerman
Stanley & Mathilda Alldredge
Paul & Marianne Calhoun
Doug Carnahan
Eugene Charles
Tsvi & Bonnie Epstein
Ralph & Carol Gaskins
Robert Howard
Patricia Hurley
Jon E. Jensen
Frederick Knoop
Kenneth & Elanie Leventhal
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lucas
Jim & Lyn Mannix
Robert & Joanne Maxon
Jonathan Miller
Marion Miller Boyd & Susan Ness
Bruce Nott
Mr. & Mrs. Gayle Pace
Paul Salata
Joe & Barbara Saltzman
Con & Diane Schweitzer
Carole Solis
Dwight W. Spiers
Burt & Marylou Tibbs
Sara Waterman
Marcia Wynne
It Doesn’t Get Much Better
Beneath the desert sun
You felt God’s gentle breeze,
It doesn’t get much better
Than to live life as you please–
You’ve gone to the other side
You’ve paid your mortal dues,
It doesn’t get much better
Then to walk the road you choose?
You have no sad regrets
Your kids will be just fine,
Paula’s love your inner glow
Your soul mate throughout time–
It doesn’t get much better
There’s nothing more to blame,
You’ve walked this Earth a lucky man
You have nothing to complain–
Your friends have been your source
Of laughter in your life,
Your family ‘s always supported you
When you faced your times of strife–
Many people have called you
A titan among men,
But you simply smelled the roses
Right up until the end–
You want no saddened eyes
You want us all to live,
You left us with your heart
That’s the best gift you could give–
Although you’ve left our sight
We know you’ll be just fine,
We’ll see you in the future
And I’ll play you the back nine–
Your friends,
John & Susan Keating