
The Jester & Pharley Phund offers a meaningful way for you to remember a family member or friend. By giving an ill child a Jester book or a Jester & Pharley Doll in your loved one’s name, you will be helping these children find happiness when they need it most.

Your contribution to The Phund will send a Jester book and/or doll inscribed with your loved one’s name to a hospital of your choice. We will notify the honoree’s family of your thoughtfulness and, for your records, send you an acknowledgement of your tax-deductible gift. Recognition of your kindness will appear on our website, if you wish. You may designate this as an ongoing annual gift.

Click here to make an in Memory of donation

stephen berg

Jester books and Jester & Pharley Dolls have been donated to Driscoll Children’s Hospital, in Corpus Christi, TX, in memory of Jester & Pharley Phund Board of Governors member Stephen Berg.

ruben castaneda

Jester books and Jester & Pharley Dolls have been donated to Huntington Hospital, in Pasadena, CA, in memory of Ruben F. Castaneda.

Norman Corwin

In memory of Norman CorwinJester books continue to be donated through our Smiles for Kids With Cancer program.

Renae Crane

In memory of Renae CraneJester books and Jester & Pharley Dolls have been donated to Torrance Memorial Medical Center, Torrance, CA and to UCI Medical Center in Orange, CA.

Louis Delgado

Jester books and Jester & Pharley Dolls have been donated to hospitalized children in memory of Luis E. Delgado.

Neil Fachon

In memory of Neil Fachon, a Jester & Pharley Smile Cart is being donated to Camp Sunshine, in Casco, ME as well as Jester books and Jester & Pharley Dolls being donated to hospitals in the New England area.

Jester books and Jester & Pharley dolls have been donated to Providence Child Center Foundation in Oregon in memory of Nev Gokcen.

In memory of Stephen HollandJester books have been donated to CHIME Charter School, Woodland Hills, CA.

Lloyd Jones

In memory of Lloyd JonesJester books and Jester & Pharley Dolls have been donated to The Jimmy Fund Clinic in Boston, MA.

John Klug

In memory of John KlugJester books and Jester & Pharley dolls have been donated to hospitals across the country in support of our Smiles for Kids With Cancer program.

Diane Kovacs

Jester books and Jester & Pharley Dolls continue to be donated to children with cancer in memory of Diane Kovacs.

Dr. Mark P. Malkovich

In memory of Dr. Mark P. Malkovich, IIIJester books have been donated to The Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center in Newport, RI.

Tim Miller

In memory of Tim MillerJester books and Jester & Pharley Dolls have been donated through our Smiles for Kids With Cancer program to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles.

Lizz Munter

Jester books and Jester & Pharley Dolls continue to be donated through our Smiles for Kids With Cancer program in memory of Lizz Munter.

Ruth Saltzman

Jester books and Jester & Pharley Dolls continue to be donated through our Smiles for Kids With Cancer program in memory of David’s grandmother, Ruth Saltzman.

Randal D. Simmons

Jester books and Jester & Pharley Dolls have been given in memory of SWAT Officer Randal D. Simmons to the Los Angeles Police Department for children in distress.

Virginia Spencer

In memory of Virginia Spencer.

Douglas Sperber

In memory of Douglas Sperber, Jester books and Jester & Pharley Dolls have been donated to children with autism.

Ted Tajima

In memory of Ted Tajima, Jester books and Jester & Pharley Dolls have been donated to Friends Outside in Pasadena, CA.

Families and friends have also remembered:

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe 
The Rev. Harry & Manette Adams
Mary Adams
Alejandro Aguilar-Mitchell
Gisela Aguilar-Mitchell
Samantha Albert
Jerry Alkoff
Valerie Collins Allswang
Dorothea Alpert
Lynn & David Angell
Carter Ankeny
Edmund & Rosilla Anthony
Thomas Edmund Anthony
Mrs. Shirley Ashkenas
Ed Asner
Stevanne Auerbach
Eleanor Babbitt
Lolly Barbanell
Don Bates
Soma Golden Behr
Aliza Fromson Ben-tal
Sheila Benson
Anthony Beran
Audrey Berg
Robert Berger
Jay Berman
Nat Berman
Leovigildo Desoloc Bernaldez
Dr. Leslie Bernstein
Martin Bernheimer
Saul Bernstein, M.D.
Wayne Bettis
Larry Bishop
Deborah Blake
Tee Bosustow
Bob Braus
Jeremy Breitbach
Bob Bridges
Maria Brown
Debra Bruck
Marilyn Burns
Emily Butterfield
Sam Butterfield
Nicholas Campanella
Ted Case
Denis Casey
Susan & Moon Cha
Franklin Chew
Becky Cicoria
Carolyn Cline
Mike Cline
Charles Champlin
Lev Chernyakov
Alastair Clark
Kathleen Clark
Jonathan Claxton
Pam Cookson
Bea Cortez
Bruce Corwin
Bob Courtney
Ed Cray
Susan Crown
Joanie Cuzick
Helen Daversa
Sharon Davison
Pat Dean
Linda Deutsch
Ashlesha Dhuri
Harvey Diamond
Mark Dow
Anna Cameron Dullaghan
Mila Ehrlich
Michael Eisenberg
Ernie Eldredge
Julian Elliott
Bea Epstein
Gertie Epstein
Jack Epstein
Jackie Epstein
Lena Epstein
Lillian Epstein
Sidney Epstein
Tsvi Howard Epstein
David Ewell
Neil Fachon
Suzanne Fellenzer
Mrs. Kevin Finkelstein
Dr. Jerry Z. Finklestein
Michael Filinuk
Mary Fischer
Richard W. Fish
Larry Fisher
Patsy Fiske
Pam Fitzpatrick
James Flanigan
Robert Flick
Tara Foley
Fred Fox
Frieda C. Fox
Dave Franco
Alan Friedenthal
Murray Fromson
Henry Fuhrmann
Don Galleano
Joe Galloway
Frank Garvey
Mike & Paula Gavin
Nicholas Giancola
Dan Gingold
Howard Gingold
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Glendale Hoover HS, Class of “73”      Lost Classmates
Ed & Gayle Posner Goldberg
Fayma Goldman
Raymond & Jeanette Goldstein
Aunt Gloria Gordon
Granite Mountain Hotshots Prescott
Jesse Gross
Jeanette Guthrie
Daisy Bea Maltin Hadfield
Esther Haggberg
Jody Halliday
Dickey T. Hamasaki
Barry & Alice Hamilton
Marcia Handin
Donald Hanna
Joan Hanson
Lynn Harrell
Heather Harris
Mike & Viola Hartunian
Dr. Mauricio Heilbron, Sr.
Sheila Heinrich
Kathy Hendrix 
Hobart (Hobby) Henley
Fred Herdan
Kay Hermann
Luis Mario Herrera
Edith & Henry Herschbein
Linda Herter
Janet McDonald Hill
Justice Randy J. Holland
Stephen Noble Holland
Jane Hoose
Germaine Hubick
Don Huffsmith
Patricia Ann Hunt
James Inman
Cecile Insdorf
Elenor Isa
Lupe Gallegos Izquieido
Herb & Eleanor Jester
Lynn Jewell
Eric Jimenez
Beatrice Joshi
Ty Jurras
Maryjo Juster
Cheryl Katz
Irene Kazy
Dickie Keller
George Keller
Robert Keller
Vera Keller
Michael O. Kirkpatrick
Dora Kirshner
Sid & Selma Kirshner
Mike & Marilyn Kizziah
Jo Ann Klein-Ihnat, aka Happy the      Clown
Richard Kodama
Rivalee Korb
Howard Korman
Anne Kozinets
Anna Frieda Krashen
Joe Kruer
Sam Kushner
Cary Kusnierz
Jean & Nes Kusnierz
Sy Lang
Marcela Lau
Ben & Rose Leach
Maruja Rodriguez Ledesma
David Lessinger
Peter Levin
Little Lady Lori
Maria Teresa Lopez
Norval Madden
Adam Marceron
Peggy Marshall
Jack Mathews
James Matthias
Catherine May
Jim McGoldrick
Rebecca Medina
Lois Melvoin
Bill & Joelene Mertz
Adele & Herb Meyerson
Ciara Antoinette Meza
Alan Miller
Dee Wayne Miller
Irma Milton
Anna Nell Mingle
Miss Kitty & Dinky
Bertha Moreno & Efren Jose Moreno
Debbie Moster-Stein
T.J. Mullikin
Jeffrey Nadybal
Elinor Nadherny
Vic Natasia
Bob Navarro
Linda Neja
Bryce Nelson
Bertha Nemor
Esther Nemor
Houshang Nikkhah
Alice Jackson Noble
Eddie & Helen Noone
“Nora” and “James”
Jack & Rosie Norris
Pete Noyes
Ruth Ono
Lupe Oseguera
Dora Padilla
Bobby Palermo
Louanne C. Palmiere
Herman Panitch
Miriam Panitch
Nina Parker
Michael Parks
Janice Parrott
Simon Parsons-Paszulek
Bill Pelter
Fanny Pere
Don Petersen
Bob Peterson
Karen Pines
Ruth Plotkin
Jennifer Ponce
Steve Ponder
Verna Pontrelli
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pordon
Nettie Prager
Steve Press
Ruth Prolman
Larry & Gabi Pryor
John & Theresa Ragan
Ryan J. Reardon
Kevin Redden
Richard Reeves
Richard Reinberg
Olga Restropo
Anna Marie Richards
Bob & Shirley Richards
Chase Richards
Dan Richards
Betty Deyerle Riddle
Irving & Laura Riegel
Janis Luke Roberts
Peter Rosenberg
Jack & Pearl Rosenfeld
John Rosenfield
Dr. Edward Rosof
Larry Ross
Albert Rossi, Jr.
Lily Runbeck
Leslie Runzler
Kay Sakaniwa
Judy Salmon
David Saltzman
Ruth Saltzman
Arnold Samardich
Richard Sanchez
Shaker Matta Sawires 
Beatrice Scanlon
Mari Schindler
Clara Schwarz
Jonathan Serebrin
Bob Selleck
Soledad Selva
Gerry Shelley
David Shneer
Noah Shohet
Clancy Sigal
Bob Simmons
Tara Praeger Sims
Ruth Sklar
Valerie Skovranko
Bob Columbus Smith
Carole Smith
Don, Celeste & Kelly Snyder
Mark Snyder
Kwan L. So
Sonya Sokoler
Jack Solomen
Marc Speiser
Douglas Sperber
Enid Stagg
Charles Steele
Randy Steffen
Mary Steinmetz
Terry Rose Stewart
David Streja
Dan Sullivan
Joe Sullivan
Helene Sussman
Wes Swanson
Setsuko Tajima
Jerry Takemoto
Yoshiko Shindo Takemoto
Donald & Linda Tedrow
Bill Tenenblatt
Kate Tibbitts
Brock Thomas
Michael Tompkins
Chris Trump
Dorothy McDonald Turner
Maureen Tyson
Leonard Vasquez
Paul Vercammen, Sr.
Thomas Wachtel
Jeffrey Ray Wall
Marge Walstad
Frances Ward
Al Wasserman
Richard Wasserman
Geri Watton
Waymond Watts
Bryan Webb
Charles Weinstein
Ruth Weisman
Ida Weiss
Robert Weiss
Sam & Sally Weiss
David White
Fred Willard
Dr. Victoria Willard
Michael Wilmington
Harris Wofford
Takeshi T. Yamada
Sue Farrar Yoder
Lynn Young
Thomas Yuge
Oscar Zaske
Jane Zimmerman