Ruth Saltzman
Ruth Saltzman always loved her grandson David Saltzman’s book The Jester Has Lost His Jingle and on her birthday she always donated Jester books and Jester & Pharley Dolls to children in hospitals as her special gift. To celebrate and remember her wonderful life, we ask you to join us in continuing that tradition for what would have been her 94th birthday on September 8.
Donations from friends and relatives in memory of Ruth include:
Dave & Valerie Allswang
Carole Amber
Dr. Leslie Bernstein
Arthur Buckler & Laura Castaneda
Pat Dean
Tom & Mary Madeline DelPonti
Joanne Dorian
Jonathan Epstein
Marie Fish
Julie Fosgate
Jeff & Jan Glimpse
John Guthrie
George & Marty Haddad
Dr. & Mrs. John Helbert
Kiku Lani Iwata, Andrew Bolhuis & Keilani
Ryan Jimenez
Stanley Kawakami & Serena Cha
Monte & Wendy Kravat
Binnie Kristal-Andersson
Jack Langguth
Charles Lewis
Stella Lopez
Norval & Joyce Madden
John & Julie McKee
Kevin McKenna & Laura Scanlon
Liz Mitchell
Bryce Nelson & Mary Bartlett
Jacquie Nemor
Richard Ness
Debra Ono & James Vasquez
Jo Panitch
Dr. Claire Panosian & Patrick Dunavan
Jeff, Davi, Molly & Nathan Peters
Stephen Randall
Bob Sakaniwa & April Osajima
Joe & Barbara Saltzman
Michael, Jennifer, Sammy & Sarah Saltzman
Carole Solis
Elaine Tajima & Stanley Johnston
Renee Tajima
Evelyn Warner
Lee, Jenn & Callista Warner
Diane Winston
Jim Yoder